Friday, May 16, 2008
Construction Pictures

Measuring and drawing the lines on the vinyl according to the pattern so that the vinyl can be cut and sewn.

Cutting the vinyl according the the pattern before it is sewn.

Breaking the sewing machine at school while trying to sew the vinyl. The vinyl was too thick and kept breaking the needles. Eventually it was sent to an industrial sewing machine.

Cutting the foam pieces using the large knife.

Final foam pieces after being cut.

Cutting the foam using a hot wire.

Glueing the end pieces of the vinyl to the ends of the foam pieces.

Before sliding the material over the end pieces after the end pieces have been glued.

Sewing the end pieces to the vinyl covers.

Sewing the top of the vinyl covers to the top of the foam structure.

Sewing the bottom pieces of the vinyl cover over the foam structure.

Some of the foam pieces in the process of being sewn.

Adding the zippers onto the covered pieces.

Sewing the mesh to the zippers.

Finished foot board piece.

Pretesting the finished product on my daybed using my sister as the patient.

Pretesting one of the zones.

Pretesting again.
posted by ck @ 1:55 PM  
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